Investigación y Proyectos:
Publicaciones ISI más recientes
- Hernández-Ojeda A, Rojas N, Barriga F, Wietstruck MA, Morales PS, Borzutzky A. Incidence and risk factors of food allergy after umbilical cord blood transplantation in children. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2017; pii: S2213-2198(17)30350-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2017.04.034.
- Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, García A, Morales PS, Cerda J, Talesnik E, Borzutzky A. Geographic distribution of Kawasaki disease in Chile. Rev Chilena Infectol. 2016; 33:12-18.
- Titulaer MJ, Höftberger R, Iizuka T, Leypoldt F, McCracken L, Cellucci T, Benson LA, Shu H, Irioka T, Hirano M, Singh G, Cobo Calvo A, Kaida K, Morales PS, Wirtz PW, Yamamoto T, Reindl M, Rosenfeld MR, Graus F, Saiz A, Dalmau J. Overlapping demyelinating syndromes and anti–N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis. Ann Neurol. 2014 Mar;75(3):411-28.
- Borzutzky A, Morales PS, Mezzano V, Nussbaum S, Burks AW. Induction of Remission of Idiopathic Anaphylaxis with Rituximab. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014:134(4):981-3.
- Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Morales PS, Cerda J, Talesnik E, González G, Camargo CA, Borzutzky A. Higher latitude and lower solar radiation influence on anaphylaxis in Chilean children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2014; 25(4): 338-43.
- Morales PS, Escobar RG, Lizama M, Aglony M, Salomon J, Drenth JPH, Borzutzky A. Pediatric hypertension-associated erythromelalgia responds to corticosteroids and is not associated to SCN9A mutations. Rheumatology. 2012; 51(12):2295-6.
- Nuñez-Farías AC, Borzutzky A, Morales PS, Zunino R, Del Villar S. Reply: To PMID 23140611. J Pediatr. 2013; 162(1):217.
- Nuñez-Farías AC, Borzutzky A, Morales PS, Zunino R, Del Villar S. Severe spinal neurofibromatosis in a child. J Pediatr. 2012; 161(2):368-368.e1.
- Morales P, Santos JL, González A, Ho J, Hodgson MI. Validación factorial de un cuestionario para medir la conducta de comer en ausencia de hambre y su asociación con obesidad infantil. Rev chil pediatr. 2012 83(5): 431-437.