Dra. María Paola Arellano M.

Enfermedades Respiratorias del Adulto

Área de desarrollo: Trastornos respiratorios del sueño y ventilación no invasiva domiciliaria


Profesora Asistente


(+56)2 23543242



Formación Pregrado:

Médico cirujano, Universidad Nuestra Señora de la Paz, Bolivia, 1998-2004.


European Diploma in Respiratory Medicine, European Respiratory Society (ERS), Reconocimiento europeo de las calificaciones como especialista a través del examen HERMES, 2015

Formación Postgrado:

  • Medicina Interna, Pontificia Universidad de Católica de Chile, 2005-2008.
  • Enfermedades Respiratorias, Universidad de Chile, 2010-2012.
  • Research Fellowship, Insuficiencia Respiratoria Crónica y Ventilación Mecánica no-invasiva. Kliniken der Stadt Köln, Colonia, Alemania, 2014-2016
  • Doctorante, Medicina del Sueño. Cologne University, Alemania, 2018-actualidad

Actividades docente-asistenciales:

  • Directora de Curso Internacional de Imagenología Torácica, P. Universidad Católica de Chile. Agosto, 2017.
  • European Respiratory Society Congress 2016, Londres, Inglaterra. Chairman of Poster Discussion: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in acute respiratory failure. Septiembre, 2016.
  • 4th CEE Ventilation Experts Meeting. Praga, Checoslovaquia. Expositora: The role of long-term non-invasive ventilation in COPD patients. Diciembre, 2015.
  • European Respiratory Society Congress 2015, Amsterdam, Holanda. Chairman of thematic posters. Acute critical care: COPD, muscles and weaning. Septiembre, 2015.
  • 23th Congress of the German Home Mechanical Ventilation Society (DIGAB), Dusseldorf, Alemania. Expositora: Home mechanical ventilation in Chile. Junio, 2015.
  • International Conference on Home Mechanical Ventilation and European Respiratory Care Association (JIVD). Lyon, Francia. Expositora: Non-invasive ventilation for COPD patients: where are we now. Marzo, 2015.
  • 52° Congreso Chileno de Enfermedades Respiratorias organizado por la Sociedad Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias, plataforma virtual. Noviembre de 2020. Expositora: Ventilación mecánica domiciliaria en el síndrome de obesidad hipoventilación.


  • Arellano-Maric MP, Hamm C, Duiverman ML, Schwarz S, Callegari J, Storre JH, Schmoor C, Spielmanns M, Galetke W, Windisch W. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome treated with non-invasive ventilation: Is a switch to CPAP therapy feasible? Results of a short-term multicenter interventional study. Respirology. 2020 Apr;25(4):435-442
  • Arellano-Maric MP, Windisch W. Step-down from non-invasive ventilation to continuous positive airway pressure: A better phenotyping is required. Respirology. 2020 Apr;25(4):457
  • Arellano-Maric MP, Gregoretti C, Duivermann M, Windisch W. Long-Term Volume-Targeted Pressure Controlled Ventilation: Sense or Nonsense? Eur Respir J. 2017 Jun 22;49(6)
  • Duivermann M, Arellano-Maric MP, Windisch W. Long-Term Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients with Chronic Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure: Assisting the Diaphragm, but Threatening the Heart? Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2016 Mar;22(2):130-7
  • Arellano-Maric MP, Huttman S, Storre I, Windisch W. Intermittent Noninvasive Ventilation at San José Hospital in Chile: Report of a German Donation. Pneumologie 2015;69(3):144-6
  • Duivermann M, Maagh P, Magnet F, Schmoor C, Arellano-Maric MP, Meissner A, Storre J, Wijstra P, Windisch W, Callegari J. Impact of High-Intensity-NIV on Cardiac Function in Stable Hypercapnic COPD: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Respir Research. 2017 May 2;18(1):76
  • Arellano Maric MP, Roldán Toledo R, Huttmann SE, Storre JH, Windisch W. Intermittent noninvasive ventilation at San José Hospital in Chile: report of a German donation. Pneumologie. 2015 Mar;69(3):144-6.
  • Duiverman ML, Arellano-Maric MP, Windisch W. Long-term noninvasive ventilation in patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure: assisting the diaphragm, but threatening the heart? Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2016 Mar;22(2):130-7. 
  • Duiverman ML, Maagh P, Magnet FS, Schmoor C, Arellano-Maric MP, Meissner A, Storre JH, Wijkstra PJ, Windisch W, Callegari J. Impact of High-Intensity-NIV on the heart in stable COPD: a randomised cross-over pilot study. Respir Res. 2017 May 2;18(1):76.
  • Arellano-Maric MP, Gregoretti C, Duiverman M, Windisch W. Long-term volume-targeted pressure-controlled ventilation: sense or nonsense? Eur Respir J. 2017 Jun 22;49(6):1602193. 
  • Arellano-Maric MP, Hamm C, Duiverman ML, Schwarz S, Callegari J, Storre JH, Schmoor C, Spielmanns M, Galetke W, Windisch W. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome treated with non-invasive ventilation: Is a switch to CPAP therapy feasible? Respirology, 2020;25(4):435-42.
  • Arellano-Maric MP, Windisch W. Step-down from non-invasive ventilation to continuous positive airway pressure: A better phenotyping is required – Reply. Respirology 2020 Apr;25(4):457.
  • Arellano MP, Díaz O, Narbona P, Aguayo M, Salas J, Leiva V, Aguirre M, Maquilón C, Vega F, Olave C, Cisternas A, Florenzano M. Recomendaciones para el uso de ventilación no-invasiva en COVID-19. Rev Chil Enferm Respir 2020; 36: 141-145.
  • Letelier C, Arellano-Maric MP. Nächtliche Sauerstofftherapie und O2 bei CPAP/NIV-Therapie. Atemwegs- und Lungen-krankheiten. 2022; 48: doi: 10.5414/ATX2611.