Dr. Luis Sobrevia L.

Obstetricia y Ginecología / Investigador

Disfunción vascular, Diabetes gestacional


Profesor Titular





Formación Pregrado:

Pedagogo en Biología y Ciencias Naturales, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile.

Formación Postgrado:

Magister (Fisiología), Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Doctorado (Fisiología y Biomedicina), Kings College de Londres, Inglaterra.

Postdoctoral, Kings College de Londres, Universidad de Londres, Inglaterra.

Actividades Docentes Asistenciales:

Tutor de tesis

PhD: T Sáez, E-Guzmán Gutiérrez, F Westermeier, C Puebla, JL Vega, M González, C Prieto (co-tutor), B Krause (co-tutor) P Casanello, (Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas / Fisiología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la PUC), R Salsoso, R Vásquez, M Farías, Escudero C, C Salomón, P Arroyo (Doctor en Ciencias Médicas de la Facultad de Medicina de la PUC), C Aguayo (Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la UDEC ), M Jo (co-tutor) (doctorado en Ingeniería Biomédica, AUT, Nueva Zelanda), N Celis, P Cornejo (co-tutor) (doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas de la UA).

MSc: N Celis (Maestría en Fisiología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, UA), V Gallardo (Maestría en Bioquímica de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la PUC), P Casanello, C Flores, C Aguayo, V Montecinos, R Contreras (Maestría en Fisiología Ciencias, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, UDEC), L Lamperti (Maestría en Bioquímica de la Facultad de Farmacia de la UDEC).

Pregrado: E Palacios (Bioquímica, Facultad de Farmacia de la PUCV), M Santos (Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la PUC), B Fuenzalida, K Bugueño (Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias y Salud, UA), R Rojas (Química y Farmacia de la Facultad de Farmacia de la UDEC), F Sanhueza, G Muñoz, M González, G Vásquez, Y Arancibia (Bioquímica, Facultad de Farmacia de la UDEC), L Cea, F Minaya, C Puebla (Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la PUC) , C Prieto, CA Sepúlveda (Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la PUC).


Licenciatura (Medicina, Biología, Bioquímica, Nutrición)

Postgrado (doctorado, maestría, especialidad Medicina)

En varias universidades chilenas (PUC, U Antofagasta, U Valparaíso, U Austal de Chile, U BíoBío, U Chile) y extranjeras (Holanda, España, Inglaterra, Austria, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Brasil, Argentina).
Temas: diabetes gestacional, disfunción vascular fetal, fisiopatología cardiovascular.

Líneas de Investigación:

Los campos de especialización en los cuales se inserta la investigación en el CMPL incluye disfunción vascular, reactividad vascular fetal, transporte de membrana y enfermedades del embarazo. En estas áreas de trabajo, se enmarca diferentes líneas de investigación las cuales incluyen: (a) papel de los receptores de adenosina como moduladores de la función vascular fetal, (b) papel de los receptores de insulina en la regulación del transporte de membrana de nucleósidos (expresión y actividad), (c) reactividad micro y macrovascular y el papel de arginasas y sintasas de óxido nítrico, y (d) lípidos y disfunción vascular fetal en la hipercolesterolemia materna suprafisiológica. El papel de insulina y expresión y rutas de señaliación de receptires de insulina A y B ha sido abordado en diabetes gestacional y preeclampsia, así como mecanismos de regulación de pH intracelular en condiciones de hipoxia en cánceres ginecológicos humanos. 

Proyectos de Investigación:

  1. European Union (Erasmus+) (2016-2020) International Master in Innovative Medicine (IMIM) (w/U Groningen (The Netherlands), U Heidelberg (Germany), Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), U Nacional de Méjico (UNAM), U Antioquia (Colombia), U Sao Paulo (Brazil)).
  2. Dirección de Investigación U San Sebastián (CoI) (11/2015 – 11/2017). Role of RECK in the development of human preeclampsia as regulator of cytotrophoblast invasiveness and endovascular differentiation. (w/ J Gutiérrez (USS), A Leiva (PUC)).
  3. CONICYT Postdoctoral 3160194 (SR) (11/2015 – 10/2018). Role of the axis Mg2+/exosomes/adenosine in reversing the human fetoplacental microvascular endothelial dysfunction in early-onset preeclampsia. (w/I Chiarello (PUC)).
  4. FONDECYT Initiation in Research Competition 11150083. Excessive maternal gestational weight gain reduces the vascular endothelium-smooth muscle functional interaction involving endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in the human placenta. (SR) (2015-2018) (w/ F Pardo (PUC)).
  5. FONDECYT 1150377 (Principal investigator (PI)) (2015-3/2019) Role of insulin receptors and adenosine receptors in prevention of fetoplacental endothelial dysfunction by in sulin in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (w/A Leiva, M Farías (PUC), J Gutiérrez (U San Sebastián)).
  6. FONDECYT 1150344 (Co-investigator (CoI)) (2015-3/2019) Involvement of PCSK9 in ‘human maternal supraphysiological hypercholesterolemia’. Effects on placental  cholesterol traffic and function of neonatal lipoproteins (w/ A Leiva (PI), J Gutiérrez (U San Sebastián)). CONICYT Chile.
  7. FONDECYT 1110977 (CI)(2011-3/2015). Role of adenosine in insulin response of macro and microvascular human placental endothelium from gestational diabetes mellitus via insulin receptor subtypes A and B. (w/P Casanello, C Belmar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  8. CONICYT Postdoctoral 3140516 (Tutor) (11/2013 – 10/2016). Role of Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) and hypoxia-inducible transcription factor 2a (HIF2a) as a mediator of ovary cancer cell proliferation (w/C Sanhueza (PUC)).
  9. CONICYT Postdoctoral 3130583 (Tutor) (10/2012 – 9/2015). Gestational diabetes and obesity alter human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 recycling in human umbilical vein endothelium (w/F Pardo (PUC)).
  10. FONDECYT 1121145 (CoI) (2012-3/2016). Maternal obesity produces insulin resistance in fetal tissues involving endoplasmic reticulum stress (w/M Farías (PI), PUC).
  11. FONDECYT 1120928 (CoI) (2012-3/2016). Intrauterine programming of hypoxia- and oxidative stress-induced vascular responses in placental endothelium from IUGR and macrosomic fetuses: early evidence for epigenetic-driven vascular dysfunction (w/P Casanello (PI), PUC).
  12. CONICYT DRI 130102 (CoI) (2014). International network for the study of feto-placental vascular dysfunction in diseases of pregnancy (w/A Leiva (PI), PUC).
  13. IBTech AUT PhDFOR 2014 Institute of Biomedical Technology, Auckland University of Technology (PI Chile) (1/2015- 1/2018). Cell bases of airways reactivity to a non-invasive device (w/ student tbd (PUC, AUT), A Al-Jumaily (PI in New Zealand), New Zealand)
  14. UQCCR POSTD2013 U Queensland Center for Clinical Research (PI in Chile) (3/2013- 3/2015). Exosomes and placental dysfunction in gestational diabetes (w/C Salomón (PUC, UQCCR), G Rice, M Mitchel (PIs Australia), Australia).
  15. UMCG RUG INT/2013 U Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen (PI in Chile) (5/2013- 5/2014). Placenta pathologies and vascular mechanisms (w/ T Sáez (PUC), H van Goor, M Faas, J-L Hillebrand (The Netherlands)).
  16. CONICYT Anillos ACT73 (PI)(2010-3/2014). Characterization of the pathohysiological mechanisms, and detection of common therapeutic targets in placental dysfunction in pathologies of the human pregnancy (w/P Casanello, J Kae Nien, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  17. AECID Spanish Agency for International Collaboration (AECI) (PI in Chile)(2010-1/2011). L-Carnitine and hypertension. (w/C Vásquez, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain).
  18. AECID A/018828/08 Spanish Agency for International Collaboration (AECI) (PI in Chile)(2010-1/2011). Nucleosides and gynaecologic cancer. (w/M Pastor-Anglada, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain).
  19. FONDECYT 1090616 (CI)(2009-3/2013). Paracrine role of brain natriuretic pepetide (BNP) in the maintenance of miometrial quiescence in pregnancy. Study of the cell signalling pathways in the human miometrium (w/J Carvajal (PI), P Casanello, M Cuello, A Poblete, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  20. FONDECYT 1070865 (PI)(2007-3/2011). Regulation of expression and activity of equilibrative nucleoside transporters type 1 (hENT1) and 2 (hENT2) by insulin in micro and macrovascular human fetal endothelium in gestational diabetes (w/P Casanello, J Carvajal, M Boric, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; R San Martín, Universidad Austral de Chile)
  21. FONDECYT 1080534 (CI)(2008-3/2012). Role of arginases I and II in endothelial dysfunction in the feto-placenta unit in pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction and hypoxia (w/P Casanello (PI), J Carvajal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
  22. CONICYT (PI and Tutor)(2009-3/2011). D-Gucose metabolism and D-glucose transport in HUVEC (w/C Puebla, PhD Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
  23. CONICYT (PI and Tutor)(2009-3/2010). TGF-ß and cell signalling in hyperglycaemia (w/JL Vega, PhD Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
  24. CONICYT (Co-Tutor)(2009-3/2011). Arginases and hypoxia in HUVEC from IUGR (w/C Prieto, P Casanello (PI and Tutor) PhD Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
  25. CONICYT (PI and Tutor)(2010-3/2012). (w/F Westermeier, PhD Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
  26. CONICYT (AT-24120941)-AT (PI and Tutor)(2012-3/2013). Modulation of
  27. expression and activity of hENT2 by insulin in placental microvascular endothelial cells (hPMEC) from gestational diabetes (w/C Salomón, PhD Medical Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
  28. CONICYT (24120940)-AT (Tutor) (2012-3/2013). Regulation of adenosine transport by insulin in astrocytes of mouse fetuses with gestational diabetes (w/P Arroyo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  29. CONICYT (24120944)-AT (PI and Tutor)(2012-3/2013). Regulation of L-arginine transport by insulin via hCAT-1 involves differential activation of subtypes A and B insulin receptors and adenosine receptors in HUVEC (w/E Guzmán-Gutiérrez, PhD Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).


  1. Rudge MVC, Barbosa A, Sobrevia L, Gelaleti R, Hallur RLS, Marcondes JP, Salvadori DF, Prudêncio CB, Magalhães CG, Costa R, Abbade JF, Corrente JE, Calderon IPM, Perinatal Diabetes Research Group. (2019). Altered maternal metabolism during mild gestational hyperglycemia as a predictor of adverse perinatal outcomes: A comprehensive analysis. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis (In Press).
  2. Sobrevia L, Vázquez MC. (2019). Insulin therapy, insulin resistance and vascular dysfunction. Curr Vasc Pharmacol (In Press)
  3. Stolzenbach F, Valdivia S, Ojeda-Provoste P, Toledo F, Sobrevia L, Kerr B. (2019). DNA methylation changes in genes coding for leptin and insulin receptors during metabolic-altered pregnancies. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis (In Press).
  4. Sobrevia L, Desoye G. (2019). Molecular aspects of signalling in diabesity. Mol Aspects Med 66:1-2.
  5. Gutiérrez JA, Gómez I, Chiarello DI, Salsoso R, Klein AD, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Toledo F, Sobrevia L. (2019). Role of proteases in dysfunctional placenta vascular remodelling in preeclampsia. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis (In Press).
  6. Pardo F, Subiabre M, Fuentes G, Toledo F, Silva L, Villalobos-Labra R, Sobrevia L. (2019). Altered foetoplacental vascular endothelial signalling to insulin in diabesity. Mol Aspects Med 66:40-48.
  7. Sáez T, de Vos P, Kuipers J, Sobrevia L, Faas MM. (2019). Exosomes derived from monocytes and from endothelial cells mediate monocyte and endothelial cell activation under high D-glucose conditions. Immunobiology 224:325-333.
  8. Alarcón S, Niechi I, Toledo F, Sobrevia L, Quezada C. (2019). Glioma progression in diabesity. Mol Aspects Med 66:62-70.
  9. Silva L, Plösch T, Toledo F, Faas MM, Sobrevia L. (2019). Adenosine kinase and cardiovascular fetal programming in gestational diabetes mellitus. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis (In Press).
  10. Cabalín C, Villalobos-Labra R, Toledo F, Sobrevia L. (2019). Involvement of A2B adenosine receptors as anti-inflammatory in gestational diabesity. Mol Aspects Med 66:31-39.
  11. Subiabre M, Villalobos-Labra R, Silva L, Fuentes G, Toledo F, Sobrevia L. (2019). Role of insulin, adenosine, and adipokine receptors in the foetoplacental vascular dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis (In Press).
  12. Sáez T, Toledo F, Sobrevia L. (2019). Impaired signalling pathways mediated by extracellular vesicles in diabesity. Mol Aspects Med 66:13-20.
  13. Chiarello DI, Abad C, Rojas D, Toledo F, Vázquez CM, Mate A, Sobrevia L, Marín R. (2018). Oxidative stress: normal pregnancy versus preeclampsia. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis (In Press).
  14. Villalobos-Labra R, Subiabre M, Toledo F, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2019). Endoplasmic reticulum stress and development of insulin resistance in adipose, skeletal, liver, and foetoplacental tissue in diabesity. Mol Aspects Med 66:49-61. 
  15. Mate A, Blanca AJ, Salsoso R, Toledo F, Stiefel P, Sobrevia L, Vázquez CM. (2018). Insulin therapy in pregnancy hypertensive diseases and its effect on the offspring and mother later in life. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 17:(In Press). 
  16. Sáez T, Toledo F, Sobrevia L (2018). Extracellular vesicles and insulin resistance: a potential interaction in vascular dysfunction. Curr Vasc Pharmacol (In Press).
  17. Sobrevia L. (2018). Placental metabolism and disease. Placenta 70:60-62.
  18. Ramírez MA, Beltrán AR, Araya JE, Cornejo M, Toledo F, Fuentes G, Sobrevia L (2018). Involvement of intracellular pH in vascular insulin resistance. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 16: (In Press).
  19. Villalobos-Labra R, Saez PJ, Subiabre M, Silva L, Toledo F, Westermeier F, Pardo F, Farias M, Sobrevia L. (2018). Pre-pregnancy maternal obesity associates with endoplasmic reticulum stress in human umbilical vein endothelium. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis 1864:3195-3210.
  20. Contreras-Duarte S, Carvajal L, Fuenzalida B, Cantin C, Sobrevia L, Leiva A. (2019). Maternal dyslipidaemia in pregnancy with gestational diabetes mellitus: possible impact on foetoplacental vascular function and lipoproteins in the neonatal circulation. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 17:52-71.
  21. Subiabre M, Silva L, Toledo F, Paublo M, López MA, Boric M, Sobrevia L. (2018). Insulin therapy and its consequences for the mother, foetus, and newborn in gestational diabetes mellitus. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis 1864:2949-2956.
  22. Fuenzalida B, Sobrevia B, Cantin C, Carvajal L, Salsoso R, Gutiérrez J, Contreras-Duarte S, Sobrevia L, Leiva A. (2018). Maternal supraphysiological hypercholesterolemia associates with endothelial dysfunction of the placental microvasculature. Sci. Rep 8:7690.
  23. Chiarello DI, Marín R, Proverbio F, Coronado P, Toledo F, Salsoso R, Gutiérrez J, Sobrevia L. (2018). Mechanisms of the effect of magnesium salts in preeclampsia. Placenta 69:134-139.
  24. Sáez T, de Vos P, Kuipers J, Sobrevia L, Faas MM. (2018). Fetoplacental endothelial exosomes modulate high D-glucose-induced endothelial dysfunction. Placenta 66:26-35.
  25. Kerr B, Leiva A, Farías M, Contreras-Duarte S, Toledo F, Stolzenbach F, Silva L, Sobrevia L. (2018). Foetoplacental epigenetic changes associated with maternal metabolic dysfunction. Placenta 69:146-152.
  26. Ramírez MA, Morales J, Cornejo M, Blanco EH, Mancilla-Sierpe E, Toledo F, Beltrán AR, Sobrevia L. (2018). Intracellular acidification reduces L-arginine transport via system y+L but not via system y+/CATs and nitric oxide synthase activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis 1864:1192-1202.
  27. Chiarello DI, Salsoso R, Toledo F, Mate A, Vázquez CM, Sobrevia L. (2018). Foetoplacental communication via extracellular vesicles in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia. Mol Aspects Med 60:69-80.
  28. Quezada C, Torres A, Niechi I, Uribe D, Contreras-Duarte S, Toledo F, San Martín R, Gutiérrez J, Sobrevia L. (2018). Role of extracellular vesicles in glioma progression. Mol Aspects Med 60:38-51.
  29. Pardo F, Villalobos-Labra R, Sobrevia B, Toledo F, Sobrevia L. (2018). Extracellular vesicles in obesity and diabetes mellitus. Mol Aspects Med 60:81-91.
  30. Sáez T, de Vos P, Sobrevia L, Faas M. (2018). Is there a role for exosomes in foetoplacental endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus? Placenta 61:48-54.
  31. Sáez T, Salsoso R, Leiva A, Toledo F, de Vos P, Faas M, Sobrevia L. (2018). Human umbilical vein endothelium-derived exosomes play a role in foetoplacental endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis 1864:499-508.
  32. Gutiérrez J, Aedo A, Mora J, Maldonado J, Salsoso R, Toledo F, Farías M, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2017). Preeclampsia associates with RECK-dependent decrease in human trophoblasts migration and invasion. Placenta 59:19-29. 
  33. Jayabalan N, Nair S, Nuzhat Z, Rice GE, Zuñiga FA, Sobrevia L, Leiva A, Sanhueza C, Gutiérrez JA, Lappas M, Freeman DJ, Salomon C. (2017). Cross talk between adipose tissue and placenta in obese and gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancies via exosomes. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 8:239.
  34. Villalobos-Labra R, Silva L, Subiabre M, Araos J, Salsoso R, Fuenzalida B, Sáez T, Toledo F, González M, Quezada CA, Pardo F, Chiarello DI, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2017). Akt/mTOR role in human foetoplacental vascular insulin resistance in diseases of pregnancy. J Diab Res 2017:5947859.
  35. Subiabre M, Silva L, Villalobos-Labra R, Toledo F, Paublo M, López MA, Salsoso R, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2017). Maternal insulin therapy does not restore foetoplacental endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis 1863:2987-2998.
  36. Sobrevia L, Fredholm BB. (2017). Adenosine – from molecular mechanisms to pathophysiology. Mol Aspects Med 55:1-3.
  37. Uribe D, Torres Á, Rocha JD, Niechi I, Oyarzún C, Sobrevia L, San Martín R, Quezada C. (2017). Multidrug resistance in glioblastoma stem-like cells: Role of the hypoxic microenvironment and adenosine signaling. Mol Aspects Med 55:140-151.
  38. Leiva A, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Contreras-Duarte S, Fuenzalida B, Cantin C, Carvajal L, Salsoso R, Gutierrez J, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2017). Adenosine receptors: modulators of lipid availability that are controlled by lipid levels. Mol Aspects Med 55:26-44.
  39. Celis N, Araos J, Sanhueza C, Toledo F, Beltrán AR, Pardo F, Leiva A, Ramírez MA, Sobrevia L. (2017). Intracellular acidification increases adenosine transport in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Placenta 51:10-17.
  40. Pardo F, Villalobos-Labra R, Chiarello DI, Salsoso R, Toledo F, Gutierrez J, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2017) Molecular implications of adenosine in obesity. Mol Aspects Med 55:90-101.
  41. Oyarzún C, Garrido W, Alarcón S, Yáñez A, Sobrevia L, Quezada C, San Martín R. (2017). Adenosine contribution to normal renal physiology and chronic kidney disease. Mol Aspects Med 55:75-89.
  42. Salsoso R, Farías M, Gutiérrez J, Pardo F, Chiarello DI, Toledo F, Leiva A, Mate A, Vázquez CM, Sobrevia L. (2017). Adenosine and preeclampsia. Mol Aspects Med 55:126-139.
  43. Peleli M, Fredholm B, Sobrevia L, Carlström M. (2017). Pharmacological targeting of adenosine receptor signalling. Mol Aspects Med 55:4-8.
    44. Silva L, Subiabre M, Araos J, Sáez T, Salsoso R, Pardo F, Leiva A, San Martín R, Toledo F, Sobrevia L. (2017). Insulin/adenosine axis linked signalling. Mol Aspects Med 55:45-61.
  44. Silva L, Subiabre M, Araos J, Sáez T, Salsoso R, Pardo F, Leiva A, San Martín R, Toledo F, Sobrevia L. (2017). Insulin/adenosine axis linked signalling. Mol Aspects Med 55:45-61.
  45. Sanhueza C, Araos J, Naranjo L, Toledo F, Beltrán AR, Ramírez MA, Gutiérrez J, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2017). Sodium/proton exchanger isoform 1 regulates intracellular pH and cell proliferation in human ovarian cancer. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis 1863:81-91.
  46. Cabrera L, Saavedra A, Rojas S, Cid M, Valenzuela C, Gallegos Rozas DA, Careaga P, Basualto E, Haensgen A, Peña E, Rivas C, Vera JC, Gallardo V, Zúñiga L, Escudero CA, Sobrevia L, Wareing M, González M. (2016). Insulin induces relaxation and decreases hydrogen peroxide-induced vasoconstriction in human placental vascular bed in a mechanism mediated by calcium-activated potassium channels and L-arginine/nitric oxide pathways. Front Physiol 22;7:529.
  47. Palacios J, Cifuentes F, Valderrama J, Benites J, Rios D, González C, Chiong M, Cartes-Saavedra B, Lafourcade C, Wyneken U, González P, Owen G, Pardo F, Sobrevia L, Buc Calderon PM (2016). Modulatory effect of 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) amino-1,4-naphthoquinone on endothelial vasodilation in rat aorta. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2016:3939540.
  48. Sanhueza C, Araos J, Naranjo L, Barros E, Subiabre M, Toledo F, Gutiérrez J, Chiarello DI, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2016). Nitric oxide and pH modulation in gynaecological cancer. J Cell Mol Med 20:2223-2230.
  49. Araos J, Silva L, Salsoso R, Sáez T, Barros E, Toledo F, Gutiérrez J, Pardo F, Chiarello DI, Leiva A, Sanhueza C, Sobrevia L (2016). Intracellular and extracellular pH dynamics in the human placenta from diabetes mellitus. Placenta 43:47-53.
  50. Sobrevia L, Salsoso R, Fuenzalida B, Barros E, Toledo L, Pizarro C, Silva L, Subiabre M, Villalobos R, Araos J, Toledo F, González M, Gutiérrez J, Farías M, Pardo F, Chiarello DI, Leiva A (2016). Insulin is a key modulator of fetoplacental endothelium metabolic disturbances in gestational diabetes mellitus. Front Physiol 31;7:119.
  51. Dubó S, Gallegos D, Cabrera L, Sobrevia L, Zuniga LA, Gonzalez M. (2016). Cardiovascular action of insulin in health and disease: focus in endothelial L-arginine transport and cardiac voltage-dependent potassium channels. Front Physiol 15;7:74.
  52. Leiva A, Fuenzalida B, Salsoso R, Barros E, Toledo F, Gutiérrez J, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2016). Tetrahydrobiopterin role in human umbilical vein endothelial dysfunction in maternal supraphysiological hypercholesterolemia. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis 1862:536-544.
  53. Sanhueza C, Araos J, Naranjo L, Barros E, Toledo L, Subiabre M, Toledo F, Gutiérrez J, Chiarello DI, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2016). Are NHE1 and inducible nitric oxide synthase involved in human ovarian cancer? Pharmacol Res 105:183-185.
  54. Leiva A, Fuenzalida B, Barros E, Sobrevia B, Salsoso R, Sáez T, Villalobos R, Silva L, Chiarello DI, Toledo F, Gutiérrez J, Sanhueza C, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2016). Nitric oxide is a central common metabolite in vascular dysfunction associated with diseases of human pregnancy. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 14:237-259.
  55. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Armella A, Toledo F, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2016). Insulin requires A1 adenosine receptors expression to reverse gestational diabetes-increased L-arginine transport in human umbilical vein endothelium. Purinergic Signal 12:175-190.
  56. Sanhueza C, Araos J, Naranjo L, Villalobos R, Westermeier F, Salomon C, Beltrán AR, Ramírez MA, Gutiérrez J, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2016). Modulation of intracellular pH in human ovarian cancer. Curr Mol Med 16:23-32.
  57. Gutiérrez J, Droppelmann CA, Salsoso R, Westermeier F, Toledo F, Salomon C, Sanhueza C, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2016). A hypothesis for the role of RECK in angiogenesis. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 14:106-115.
  58. Sobrevia L, Ooi L, Ryan S, Steinert JR. (2016). Nitric oxide: a regulator of cellular function in health and disease. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2016:9782346.
  59. Westermeier F, Sáez T, Arroyo P, Toledo F, Gutiérrez J, Sanhueza C, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2016). Insulin receptor isoforms: an integrated view focused on gestational diabetes mellitus. Diab Metab Res Rev 32:350-365.
  60. Leiva A, Fuenzalida B, Westermeier F, Toledo F, Salomon C, Gutiérrez J, Sanhueza C, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2016). Role for tetrahydrobiopterin in the fetoplacental endothelial dysfunction in maternal supraphysiological hypercholesterolemia. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2015:5346327.
  61. Riquelme JA, Westermeier F, Hall AR, Vicencio JM, Pedrozo Z, Ibacache M, Fuenzalida B, Sobrevia L, Davidson SM, Yellon DM, Sánchez G, Lavandero S. (2016). Dexmedetomidine protects the heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury by an endothelial eNOS/NO dependent mechanism. Pharmacol Res 103:318-327.
  62. Beltrán AR, Carraro-Lacroix LR, Bezerra CNA, Cornejo M, Norambuena K, Toledo F, Araos J, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sanhueza C, Malnic G, Sobrevia L, Ramírez MA. (2015). Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin mediates Na+/H+ exchanger 4 inhibition involving cAMP in T84 human intestinal epithelial cells. PLoS One 10:e0146042.
  63. Leiva A, Salsoso R, Sáez T, Sanhueza C, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2015). Cross-sectional and longitudinal lipid determination studies in pregnant women reveal an association between increased maternal LDL cholesterol concentrations and reduced human umbilical vein relaxation. Placenta 36:895-902.
  64. Pardo F, Silva L, Sáez T, Salsoso R, Gutiérrez J, Sanhueza C, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2015). Human supraphysiological gestational weight gain and fetoplacental vascular dysfunction. Int J Obesity 39:1264-1273.
  65. González M, Rojas S, Avila P, Cabrera L, Villalobos R, Palma C, Aguayo C, Peña E, Gallardo V, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Sáez T, Salsoso R, Sanhueza C, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2015). Insulin reverses D-glucose–increased nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species generation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. PLoS One 10:e0122398.
  66. Contador D, Ezquer F, Espinosa M, Arango-Rodriguez M, Puebla C, Sobrevia L, Conget P. (2015). Dexamethasone and rosiglitazone are sufficient and necessary for producing functional adipocytes from mesenchymal stem cells. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 240:1235-1246.
  67. Sobrevia L, Salsoso R, Sáez T, Sanhueza C, Pardo F, Leiva A. (2015). Insulin therapy and fetoplacental vascular function in gestational diabetes mellitus. Exp Physiol 100:231-238.
  68. Salsoso R, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Sáez T, Bugueño K, Ramírez MA, Farías M, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sanhueza C, Mate A, Vázquez C, Sobrevia L. (2015). Insulin restores L-arginine transport requiring adenosine receptors activation in umbilical vein endothelium from late-onset preeclampsia. Placenta 36:287-296.
  69. Westermeier F, Salomón C, Farías M, Arroyo P, Fuenzalida B, Sáez T, Salsoso R, Sanhueza C, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L. (2015). Insulin requires normal expression and signalling of insulin receptor A to reverse gestational diabetes-reduced adenosine transport in human umbilical vein endothelium. FASEB J 29:37-49.
  70. Cifuentes F, Palacios J, Nwokocha CR, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2015). Erratum for: Synchronization in the heart rate and the vasomotion in rat aorta: effect of arsenic trioxide. Cardiovasc Toxicol 2015:1-10. Erratum at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12012-015-9340-0.
  71. Salomon C, Torres MJ, Kobayashi M, Scholz K, Sobrevia L, Illanes SE, Mitchell MD, Rice GE. (2014). The Concentration of placenta-derived exosome in the maternal circulation increases during pregnancy and induces endothelial cell migration. PLoS One 9:e98667.
  72. Salsoso R, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Arroyo P, Salomón C, Zambrano S, Ruiz-Armenta MV, Blanca AJ, Pardo F, Leiva A, Mate A, Sobrevia L, Vázquez C. (2014). Reduced L-carnitine transport in aortic endothelial cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats. PLoS One 9:e90339.
  73. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Arroyo P, Salsoso R, Fuenzalida B, Sáez T, Leiva A, Pardo F, Sobrevia L. (2014). Role of insulin and adenosine in the human placenta microvascular and macrovascular endothelial cell dysfunction in gestational diabetes mellitus. Microcirculation 21:26-37.
  74. Sobrevia L, Myatt L, Rice G. (2014). Diseases of pregnancy and fetal programming: cell and molecular mechanisms. BioMed Res Inter. 2014:937050.
  75. Westermeier F, Sáez PJ, Villalobos RE, Sobrevia L, Farías M. (2014). Programming of fetal insulin resistance in pregnancies with maternal obesity by ER stress and inflammation. BioMed Res Inter. 2014:917672.
  76. Acurio J, Troncoso F, Bertoglia P, Salomon C, Aguayo C, Sobrevia L, Escudero C. (2014). Potential role of A2B adenosine receptors on proliferation/migration of fetal endothelium derived from preeclamptic pregnancies. BioMed Res Inter 2014:274507.
  77. Sáez PJ, Villalobos-Labra R, Westermeier F, Sobrevia L, Farías-Jofré M. (2014). Modulation of endothelial cell migration by ER stress and insulin resistance: a role during maternal obesity? Front Pharmacol 5:189.
  78. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Leiva A, Escudero CA, Veas C, Sobrevia L. (2014). Is a low level of free thyroxine in the maternal circulation associated with altered endothelial function in gestational diabetes? Front Pharmacol 5:136.

Libros y patentes:

Libros editados

  1. Gestational Diabetes – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Eds. L Sobrevia. Ed. InTech Editorial, Croatia, Shangai. (2013).
  2. Membrane Transporters and Receptors in Disease. Eds. Sobrevia L, Casanello P. Ed. Research Signpost, India. ISBN 978-81-308-0330-2; pg. 201 (2009).

Ediciones especiales

  1. Mitochondria and Metabolic Diseases. Ed. L Sobrevia, G García-Rivas, J Kroll, H Van Goor. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK (2020) (In progress).
  2. Membrane Transporters and Receptors in Pregnancy Metabolic Complications. Ed. L Sobrevia. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Basis Dis. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK (2019) (In progress).
  3. Molecular Aspects of Signalling in Diabesity. Eds. L Sobrevia, G Desoye. Mol Aspects Med. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. (2019) (In Press).
  4. Bioengineering Cell Transport in Medicine. Ed. L Sobrevia. ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy. Ed. ASME, New York, USA (2019) (Under consideration by the journal).
  5. Insulin Therapy, Insulin Resistance and Vascular Dysfunction. Eds. L Sobrevia, CM Vázquez. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. Ed. Bentham Science Publishers, United Arab Emirates, ISSN 1570-1611 (2019) (In Press).
  6. Placenta Metabolism and Disease. Ed. L Sobrevia. Placenta. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. Vol 70 (2018).
  7. Molecular Aspects of Extracellular Vesicles in Disease. Eds. L Sobrevia, A Ayuso. Mol Aspects Med. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. Vol 60 (2018).
  8. Adenosine – From Molecular Mechanisms to Pathophysiology. Eds. L Sobrevia, B Fredholm. Mol Aspects Med. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. Vol 55 (2017).
  9. Nitric Oxide: A Regulator of Cellular Function in Health and Disease. Eds. J Steinert, L Ooi, S Ryan, L Sobrevia. Oxid Med Cell Longev. Ed. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Egypt, USA. Vol 2016 (2016).
  10. Diseases of Pregnancy and Fetal Programming: Cell and Molecular Approaches. Eds. L Sobrevia, L Myatt, G Rice. BioMed Res Internat. Ed. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Egypt, USA. Vol 2014 (2014).
  11. Fetus and Placenta – A perfect harmony. Eds. AM Carte, L Sobrevia, S Zamudio. Trophoblast Research. Ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. Vol 25 (2011).
  12. 6th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Guest Editor L Sobrevia. J Dev Orig Health Dis. Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Vol 1, Supplement 1 (2009).
  13. Transportalopathies. Eds. L Sobrevia. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. Ed. Bentham Science Publishers, United Arab Emirates. Vol 7 (2009).

Capítulos de libros

  1. Pardo F, Sobrevia, L, 2018. Adenosine receptors in gestational diabetes mellitus and maternal obesity in pregnancy. In: The adenosine Receptors, The Receptors 34. Eds. Pier Andrea Borea, Katia Varani, Stefannia Gessi, Stefania Merighi, Fabrizio Vicenzi. Ed. Humana Press, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018, Cham, Switzerland. Chapter 22, pp. 529–542.
  2. Lappas M, Leiva A, Pardo F, Sobrevia L, Jawerbaum A. (2015). Oxidative stress in pregnancies complicated by diabetes. In: Perinatal and prenatal disorders. Eds. PA Dennery, G Buonocore, OD Saugstad. Ed. Spinger Science+Bussiness Media New York, New York. Chapter 3, pp 47-79.
  3. Sobrevia L, Sáez T, Fuenzalida B, Salsoso R, Vázquez MC, Arroyo P, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Pardo F, Leiva A (2014). Transplacental transport of calcium in health and disease. In: Calcium and Vitamin D Role in Bone Health and Beyond. Eds. J Belizán, R Uauy, E Carmuega. Ed. Lenguamadre/Pentapir, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Chapter 7, pp 139-164 (Spanish).
  4. Salomon C, Sobrevia L, Ashman K, Illanes S, Mitchell M, Rice G. (2013). The role of placental exosomes in gestational diabetes mellitus. In: Gestational Diabetes-Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Eds. L Sobrevia. Ed. InTech Editorial, Croatia, Shangai. Chapter 3, pp 29-49.
  5. Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Arroyo P, Pardo F, Leiva A, Sobrevia L (2013). The adenosine-insulin signalling axis in the fetoplacental endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes. In: Gestational Diabetes – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Eds. L Sobrevia. Ed. InTech Editorial, Croatia. Chapter 4, pp 49-78.
  6. Leiva A, Diez de Medina A, Guzmán-Gutierrez E, Pardo F, Sobrevia L (2013). Maternal hypercholesterolemia in gestational diabetes and the association with placental endothelial dysfunction. In: Gestational Diabetes – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Eds. L Sobrevia. Ed. InTech Editorial, Croatia. Chapter 6, pp 103-134.
  7. Escudero C, González M, Acurio J, Valenzuela F, Sobrevia L. (2013). The role of placenta in the fetal programming associated to gestational diabetes. In: Gestational Diabetes – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Eds. L Sobrevia. Ed. InTech Editorial, Croatia. Chapter 7, pp 135-162.
  8. Sobrevia L, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Westermeier F, Salomón C, Arroyo P, Palacios E, Bugueño K, Santos M, Diez de Medina C, González M, Escudero C, Salsoso R, Mate A, Vásquez CM, Pardo F, Leiva A. (2012). Fetoplacental vascular pathophysiology in preeclampsia. In: Recent Research Developments in Physiology. Eds. SG Pandalai. Ed. Research Signpost, India. Vol. 5, Chapter 7, pp 105-158.
  9. González M, Muñoz E, Puebla C, Guzmán-Gutiérrez E, Cifuentes F, Nien JK, Abarzúa F, Leiva A, Casanello P, Sobrevia L. (2011). Maternal and fetal metabolic dysfunction in pregnancy diseases associated with vascular oxidative and nitrative stress. In: The Molecular Basis for Origin of Fetal Congenital Abnormalities and Maternal Health: An overview of Association with Oxidative Stress. Eds. BM Matata, M Elahi. Ed. Bentham, USA. Chapter 8, pp 98-115.
  10. Sobrevia L, Casanello P. (2011). Placenta function. In: Obstetricia. Eds. A Pérez-Sánchez, E Donoso-Siña. Ed. Mediterráneo, Santiago, Chile. (Spanish) Chapter 7, pp 136-176.
  11. Sobrevia L, Puebla C, Farías M, Casanello P. (2009). Role of equilibrative nucleoside transporters in fetal endothelial dysfunction in gestational diabetes. In: Membrane Transporters and Receptors in Disease. Eds. L Sobrevia, P Casanello. Ed. Research Signpost, India. Chapter 1, pp 1-25.
  12. Carvajal JA, Sobrevia L. (2009). Membrane receptors involved in pregnancy myometrial quiescence. In: Membrane Transporters and Receptors in Disease. Eds. L Sobrevia, P Casanello. Ed. Research Signpost, India. Chapter 4, pp 77-96.
  13. San Martín R, Sobrevia L. (2009). Adenosine receptors: a novel therapeutic alternative for diabetic nephropathy. In: Membrane Transporters and Receptors in Disease. Eds. L Sobrevia, P Casanello. Ed. Research Signpost, India. Chapter 3, pp 55-75.
  14. Leisewitz AV, Cuello M, Sobrevia L. (2009). Transportome and anti-cancer drugs effectiveness. In: Membrane Transporters and Receptors in Disease. Eds. L Sobrevia, P Casanello. Ed. Research Signpost, India. Chapter 5, pp 97-114.
  15. Escudero C, Sobrevia L. (2009). Understanding high adenosine extracellular levels in feto-placental circulation during preeclamptic pregnancies. In: Membrane Transporters and Receptors in Disease. Eds. L Sobrevia, P Casanello. Ed. Research Signpost, India. Chapter 2, pp 27-53.
  16. Mardones F, Sobrevia L, Casanello L. (2009). Early origin of obesity and chronic diseases. In: Obesity, what can be do? Eds. F Mardones, Velasco N, Rozowski J. Ed. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago. Chapter 3, pp 67-89.
  17. Casanello P, Krause B, Sobrevia L. (2009). Placenta programming in pregnancy diseases. In: Nutrition and Health. Eds. Uaui J. Ed. Danone International, Argentina, Chapter 7, pp 117-133.
  18. Casanello P, Farías M, Torres A, Sanhueza F, Sobrevia L. (2006). Mecanismos moleculares asociados a la regulación del transporte y metabolismo de adenosina y L-arginina por hipoxia en endotelio fetal humano. In: I Worskshop Internacional de Fisiología y Medicina de Altura. Eds. F Moraga, F Pancetti, R Vadulli, Z Jan Ryn. Universidad Católica del Norte, pp. 115-119.
  19. Yudilevich DL, Sobrevia L, Barros LF. (1991). Characterization of transport systems for solutes at the blood side of endothelial and parenchymal cells by single circulation paired-tracer dilution. A review of recent studies. In: Cell membrane transport: Experimental Approaches and Methodologies. Eds. DL Yudilevich, R Devés, R Perán, ZI Cabantchik. Plenum Press, London, New York, Chapter 5.
  20. Alarcón J, Fuentes O, Sobrevia L. (1989). Solanum crispum R. et P. I-Effects on some biological parameters. In: Solanaceae Newsletter. Ed. M Nee. The New York Botanical Garden, New York, USA, pp 3-4.


  1. Adenosine as modulator of insulin action in gestational diabetes (Apr 2013) (w/ E Guzmán-Gutiérrez, PUC) (In process).

Sociedades, comités editoriales, premios:

Revisor de Revistas Científicas

Nature, Circulation, Circ Res, Diabetes, Diab Care, PLoS ONE, Diabetologia, AntioxRed Sig, J Physiol, Exp Physiol, Am J Physiol, Am J Obstet Gynaecol, Br J Pharmacol, JEndocrinol, Biochim Biophys Acta (Biomembranes), Horm Metabolic Res, Biol Res, Placenta, J Cell Physiol, Biochem Pharmacol, J Obstet Gynaecol Res, Pharmacol Rep,Atheros Thromb Vasc Biol, DevoPress, Diab Res Clin Pract, J Diab Compl, J PharmacyPharmacol, Iranian J Immunol, Food & Function, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol,Diab Medicine, Eu J Endocrinology, iConcepPress.

Miembro de Comité Editorial

Placenta (ISI 3,693)
Current Vascular Pharmacology (ISI 2,896)
Miembro titular de Sociedades Científicas

The Physiological Society
Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Adult Diseases (DOHaD)

International Federation of Placenta Associations (IFPA)
The American Physiological Society (APS)
The New York Academy of Sciences
Placenta Association of the Americas (PAA)

Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiológicas
Sociedad de Biología de Chile
Sociedad de Farmacología de Chile
Sociedad Chilena de Reproducción y Desarrollo
Sociedad Chilena de Biología Celular
Sociedad Chilena de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Miembro del Directorio de la Rama IberoAmericana DOHaD

Distinciones y premios

Profesor Titular, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Honorary Professor, University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (Australia)
Consejero Externo del Comité Editorial de Nature Cell Signalling
Premio al Mérito Académico, Universidad de Concepción (Chile)
Miembro Honorario del Colegio Panamericano de Endotelio (Ecuador)
Ex-Estudiante Distinguido, Universidad del Bío-Bío (Chile)
Consejero externo de la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación de Programas dePostgrado (Chile)
Presidente y Miembro del Directorio de la Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiológicas.
Miembro del Directorio de la Sociedad Chilena de Reproducción y Desarrollo
Miembro del Directorio de la Sociedad Chilena de Biología Regional Concepción
Miembro del Comité de Doctorado en Ciencias Médicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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