Internationalization at Home

UC|Chile wants to promote a broader definition of internationalization beyond the traditional mobility programs and develop broader and more inclusive international opportunities in our campuses, schools and clinical settings.

listado de opciones enlazadas:

  • Teaching English
  • COIL

Why study in Chile?

As well as offering a deep immersion into the Chilean Spanish language, Chile has a great variety of options to complement the academic activities of international visitors. Its varied geography provides you with the opportunity to see the world’s driest desert to millennia forests and glaciers. The spectacular landscapes have led to a diversity of adventure tourism options and the cities provide a grand variety of cultural experiences in both the cities and towns.

Healthcare in Chile

Chile has a mixed healthcare system where every legally working person contributes 7 % of their income to health insurance monthly.

Partnerships and Bilateral Agreements

Contacto: +56 2 2354 9247


+562 2354 9247

Av. Diagonal Paraguay 362, Piso -1, CP: 8330077; Dirección de Extensión, Educación Continua y Relaciones Internacionales.